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Joe Heller, Harmonic Evolution

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Joe Heller, Harmonic Evolution, Visionary Teacher

My life forever changed on my 5oth birthday. I asked the universe to restore the "gifts I have forsaken this lifetime." Why did I ask this? I don't know, all I know is visions of past lives, insights, rituals, and more were reawakened. After coming to better understand these 'teachings' I am stepping out of my box to transformed the world view since the dawn of time.

As I tumbled down this rabbit hole I was given a path, a path called Harmonic Evolution which I saw as a ray of hope is the model for the actualization of human evolution. One focused on the mysterious states of frequency originating in the birth of the universe. An awakening acting as a catalyst in each of us to harmonically align with spirit, allowing each of us to make create an epic life of evolutionary importance by actualizing our own harmonic power. This power brings heaven to the earth plane halting the escalating fear and conflict arising in the world.

Harmonic Evolution describes a series of evolutionary steps through which determined individuals can discover a new understanding of our mysterious spiritual nature and unlimited potential. Awakening you on the path of enlightenment each of us must intuit to fulfill our own spiritual destiny this lifetime.

Expanding the current world-view by those individuals among us who are dedicated to channeling their awakening into a dynamic force that can help us liberate lives from low vibrational frequencies to actively change the world.

An exploration of a series of evolving spiritual integrations by mapping the synchronistic flow of aligning with the harmonic structure of the universe that develops a higher intuitive guidance along your journey and co-create oneness with all.

The sacred harmonic sequence experienced during your evolution lifts you though the vibrational planes through portals of time and space into new dimensions, to reincarnating past learnings forward, opening gateways to speak with your future self synergistically linking you to divine inspiration to walk your true life path.

Harmonic Evolution cast away fears allowing those committed to join the spiritual renaissance by offering the power to crystallize perceptions of why you are where you are to discover you became a harmonic being the moment the universe split from the nothingness, energy vibrated creating a synchronistic harmonic unity amongst all.

This knowledge hidden for eons, released in fragments along the sacred map are traced back to before time as we re-discover them for the first time here on earth. These harmonic resonances can have a profound impact on the way each of us lives our lives and point to exciting spiritual experiences we can all recognize for our future self.

Harmonic Evolution embraces and explains the mysterious The Laws of Attunement transfiguring all who authentically intend to raise their vibrational resonance to co-create to evolve.

Once in motion this literally will unleash a unstoppable force of divine inspiration that will elevate all of us into a new-found purpose for life to create an emerging global renaissance shaping us and our world in the new millennium. This is the next step in our Harmonic Evolution. Welcome to your evolutionary journey. Welcome to your awakened luminescence ~

Now is your time. Be Bold. Be Epic. Be Harmonic!

Harmonic Teachings

Law of Attunement

The Law of Attunement - Your Path To Spiritual Evolution

Hidden in plane sight for millennia, these teachings will allow oneself to alter current timeline of evolution. The key to advancing one's soul is to 'attune' oneself to higher consciousness. A pivotal factor in the evolution of all beings. This awesome power gives you the ability to transfigure your frequency to walk heart first. If you have ever experienced a synchronicity, then you are on the path to discover these Harmonic Teachings given to me by my guides to evolve, learn how to "see beyond" overcoming spiritual myths trapping you in a perpetual reincarnation cycle. Click here to learn more about The LAW. 


Ritualology - Access The Hidden Secrets of Masters

This is your Rite of Passage. Ritualology teaches the original technology of creation, the ancient and forbidden science of rituals is now available for you to claim your birthright. This transformational and innovative education transmutes ingrained patterns for all who choose to reach expanded wealth, abundance, success, and prosperity. Now you can access the rare realm few achieve in this 'human' alchemy. This harmonic transformation of self will elevate your life energies in a beautiful sequence to reach your full potential and live an epic life. Click here to learn more about Ritualology.

Harmonic Health

Harmonic Health - Attune Your BioEtheric Temple

Health is all based on the frequencies established with you biological temple. These include the frequencies of thought (covered earlier) linked to the frequencies of living foods. These harmonically enriched living foods are the basis for your body temple. Click here to learn more about living an inspiring life.

Tony Robbins introduces Joe (on stage with him at a Unlimited Power Workshop)... Joe is defined as a unique individual who  represents 1/10th of 1 percent of the population, a rare individual who is focused on helping all people rise to new levels of awakening.”

Anthony Robbins

Anthony 'Tony' Robbins

Author of Unlimited Power, Awaken The Giant Within

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© 2020 Joe Heller, Harmonic Evolution

Every effort has been made to accurately represent these evolutionary training programs to you. While evolutionary programs have transformed the lives of thousands of people, there is no guarantee you will achieve a breakthrough using these teachings. As always, result vary based upon the effort, energy, and attention you put into the program. By investing in these teaching, you agree to move forward with clarity, consciousness, and understanding.